Friday, November 2, 2012

The Important Questions

Maybe you've contemplated opening a business or starting a church or other nonprofit. As you began to research, maybe you were filled with more questions than answers. Maybe what you learned scared you a little and you postponed your dreams because you felt inadequate. But more than likely, you're not asking yourself the important questions such as "Can I learn to...?" and the answer is "You sure can!"

Commercial and social services can seem difficult to get into, but not impossible. They require skills, but those can be learned. Don't be afraid to learn new skills and use them for your own dreams. Look at how important you are to the company that employees you now. Lanico Enterprise is always sponsoring classes, seminars, webinars, and sharing free information. Stick close and we'll help you make your dreams reality! Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Great uplifting post. Praying someone out there that has been thinking of the same ideas you wrote about now has the gumption to do it.
